- For the Tribute event you can contact the Onasis Cultural Center
- For the Conference you can contact Maria Baveli and Anastasia Georgaki.
- For the concerts and the website you can communicate with the Institute for Reserach on Music & Acoustics.
Logothetis music publishers:
For the other scores the rights issues and the Logothetis Archive you can contact his daughter Julia Logothetis.
This site contains copyrighted material. Replication and usage of it is not allowed without the related permission.
- Anestis Lgothetis Archive (thanks to Julia Logothetis)
- IEMA archives
- KSYME archives
- Mantakas - Univesity of Thessaloniki archives
- Hartmut Krones book "Klangbild Bildklang".
Design and development of website: Kostas Moschos, Yannis Scoulidas
The website is hosted in IEMA - Greek Music Documentation Centre.